Harvest Land - John Westmoreland (Music video, 2022)
- Film crew:
- Directing, story and cinematography: Cristal Alakoski
- Dance choreography: Laura Pietiläinen
- Scenography and costume: Cristal Alakoski
- Editing and color grading: Cristal Alakoski
- Camera and light assistant: Felix Wikholm
- Music:
- Lyrics: T-Bone Slim
- Music: John Westmoreland
- Backing vocals: Emmi Kuittinen and Juulia Salonen
- Album engineer and producer: Jason Richmond
- Performers:
- Father: John Westmoreland
- Mother: Laura Pietiläinen
- Child: Ella Innanen
- Baby: Auvo Pietiläinen
- Landowner: Felix Wikholm
- Landowner's wife: Niia Alakoski
- Guardian spirit: Emmi Kuittinen
- Guardian spirit: Juulia Salonen
Festival screenings & Competitions
- 2022: OMVF - Oulu Music Video Festival - Competition series for Best Music Video (Oulu, Finland)
Awards & Nominations
Harvest Land won the category "Best Low Budget Music Video" at the Prague Music Video Awards 2023 in Prague, Czech Republic. The category was for music videos with a budget under 3000 EUR.